Friday, April 16, 2010

The Power of One


We've heard it a thousand times. A phrase spoken so frequently and flippantly it's become cliche'. Nauseating even. It does sound so nice though, doesn't it? After all we're suppose to think happy thoughts. It makes us...feel better. What a cute..idea. Ahh...change the worlddd. Let's hug! [cue harp and doves]. But truly, when was the last time, if ever, that you contemplated the power in that sequence of words? Read it again.

One person can change the WORLD.

No, not like that, robot. Don't skim over it. Be not numb. Listen...

It takes just ONE PERSON to change the WORLD

OK. Ponder the massiveness of what you just said. You've said that a lot over time. Now, do you really believe that? I mean, the WHOLE wide world? As in, touch 7 continents and 6.8 billion people? Really? C'mon. Have you even tried to comprehend how many people 7 billion is? You fool. Ask anyone who chooses not to vote and undoubtedly hear, "I'm just one person. My one little vote isn't going to do anything." So, how is ONE PERSON going to alter the course of history?

So I was thinking, kind of wish I could ask these individuals, I wonder if they think one person can make a difference..
William Shakespeare
Sojourner Truth
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Edison
Adolf Hitler
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Walt Disney
Nelson Mandela
Bill Gates
Michael Jackson
Osama Bin Laden
Charles Darwin
Jesus Christ
Change the WORLD.

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